Prepay for a Guest's Rental Car

If you want to book and prepay for a guest’s rental car, there is an additional step you must take.  

By law, rental car companies require additional authorization if you are prepaying for a car. Rental car companies require a credit card from the driver at the counter in every state unless there is a direct billing number set up.  To pay for a guest’s car, you need to set up an account tied to your credit card by filling out an application for a direct bill number. This is only offered with Enterprise.  

Download the application below. Enter your department name in the Customer Name field, and enter the credit card holder's name in the Contact Name field. There can only  be one billing account number per department. Complete the form and send directly to [email protected]

You will receive a call from Enterprise to provide full credit card information. It takes up to 72 hours to set up an account. You will receive your billing number via email. Once your direct bill account is set up, you can call World Travel when you make a car reservation for a guest and provide them with your confidential billing number. This is the only way to make a third-party payment for a rental car.

If you need assistance, contact Geneva Lutomski in the University Travel Program.