If you book travel as part of your job at Princeton, this section offers resources that will assist you in your day-to-day duties. Whether you book individual travel for guests or Princeton colleagues, or you plan group travel, you can find instructions and best practices listed by topic on the sidebar.
All travel for University business should be booked through the University Travel Program. Travel can be booked in Concur or through the University's travel agency, World Travel. Basic reservations for air, hotel, and car can be made online using Concur. If you have more complex travel needs, such as a multi-leg trip or international travel, or would simply prefer assistance from a travel consultant, contact Princeton's dedicated travel agent team at World Travel.
All University staff who book travel for others need to have the Travel Arranger tab set up in Concur. If you cannot see the Travel Arranger tab when you log into your Concur, please contact the Financial Services Center for access.
Did You Know?
GS&S offers training in the “Enroll My Trip” travel registration system with focus on supporting departmental and program staff in the registration of both group and delegate travel. This training would best benefit new and infrequent users of the Enroll My Trip group travel registration function.
Register here.