UHS - Travel Health & Immunizations

University Health Services (UHS) provides travel health services to University community members traveling for international travel.  

Student and Student Dependent Travel Health Services 
Students and their dependents (over the age of 16) may receive travel health advice from a UHS travel health provider in several ways. For most students who are traveling with groups, travel health advice by email is sufficient. If needed, students may also arrange a confidential in-person travel health consultation with a travel health provider to discuss chronic medical conditions, special diets, prescription medications and strategies for meeting their health needs when traveling internationally. For more information regarding travel health and immunization services, please see the UHS Travel Health website. Students and dependents who are not near campus and need in-person services may also use this tool provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to find a local travel health provider in the extended community. (Additional fees may be applied). Students should check with their medical insurance providers regarding these off-campus services. UHS recommends that students obtain travel health advice 4-6 weeks prior to departure. 

Faculty, staff, and other community members leading groups of students on international trips may arrange for UHS to provide group travel health presentations by filling out this form.

Employee Travel Health Services  
Faculty and staff may schedule a travel health appointment with Occupational Health Services for a fee by calling 609-258-5035. Employees may also use this tool provided by the CDC to find a local travel health provider (Additional fees will apply). UHS recommends that employees obtain travel health advice 4-6 weeks prior to departure.