Sourcing & Contracting Assistance
As part of Procurement Services, the University Travel Program offers venue sourcing and contract negotiation. If you would like to utilize our services, please fill out the Express Meeting Request Form by signing in through your University Google account. This form can be filled out in less than five minutes and will put your event on the fast track for sourcing. Note that when we source, it is done “blindly” so that venues do not know immediately they are working with Princeton University. This has several distinct advantages, including keeping the price of your event competitive and ensuring that venues do their best to meet your specific requirements.
When Procurement Services sources meeting space for departments, we also handle contract negotiations and legal review. If you choose to source and contract your own event, we are unable to review nor renegotiate your event contract after the fact. Meeting locations typically do not make material changes to their contracts once the contract has been negotiated and drafted, as a verbal commitment has been made.
Managing Contracts at a Departmental Level
For departments that have chosen to handle their own event contracting, visit Negotiate and Review Event Contracts. This page offers helpful information for meeting & event agreements conducted at the departmental level.
For departments managing their own contract negotiations, here are some important points to note:
- All meeting and events contracts must adhere to hotel rate guidelines (designated by city) published in the University Travel Policy.
- The per-person meal limit on event contracts may not exceed $125 per person ($150 per person with approval of the Dean of Faculty or the Executive Vice President) as outlined in the University Travel Policy.
- If you have conducted your own event space procurement and are satisfied with the event terms of your contract, please attach our Hotel & Catering Addendum (below) to any contract you sign to meet legal requirements. If you have specific questions, you can reach out to our contracts review legal team, but keep in mind that it is always more difficult to gain any advantages once you have made a commitment to the venue.
- IMPORTANT: If your meeting or event involves students, any contract must be reviewed by our contracts review team.
- Guidance on who can sign contracts binding the University can be found on the F&T Transaction Authority page or by downloading the Transaction Authority Policy below.