Testing and International Air Travel
As of June 12, 2022, CDC will no longer require air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before they board their flight
If you are traveling abroad, check the current COVID-19 situation at your destination.
COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map
Plan Ahead
Check if your airline or destination requires any health information, testing, or other documents. Some destinations require testing before travel and/or after arrival. If you do not follow your destination’s requirements, you may be denied entry and required to return to the United States. You may have to pay any related airline fees. If you test positive at your destination, you might be required to isolate. You might be delayed from returning to the United States as scheduled.
Information about Entry, Testing and Health Requirements can be found on the CIBT Entry Guide
Do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19, you are sick, or you have tested positive for COVID-19. Learn when it is safe for you to travel. Don’t travel with someone who is sick.
Did You Know?
Travel Frequently? You May be Eligible for a Second U.S. Passport
Having a second passport is beneficial if you travel abroad frequently to countires requiring visas. It allows you to have one passport with you as you travel, while the second remains at home for visa processing for your next trip abroad. To obtain a second passport, you must meet certain requirements. Visit the CIBT/Visa Central website to learn more.