University credit cards should not be used for personal expenses. However, if you do incur a personal transaction, return the funds to the University promptly and document your deposit on your expense report.
- Add the transaction to an expense report in Concur. If the whole expense was personal, you must change the expense type to "Personal Expense", or use the Itemize button to indicate that a certain portion of the transaction was a personal expense.
- Select Details > Totals. Concur will calculate the total you should remit to the University. If you have any out-of-pocket expenses for which you are owed reimbursement, your personal expense will be deducted from your reimbursement.
- If you do not have sufficient reimbursable expenses to offset your personal expense, prepare a check (payable to "Princeton University") or bring cash to the Financial Service Center in New South.
- The Financial Service Center staff will provide you with an electronic receipt and, if needed, assist you with attaching the receipt to your expense report.
Contact the Financial Service Center by phone, (609) 258-3080, or email [email protected].