Booking University Travel
All travel for University business should be booked through the University Travel Program. Arrangements can be made through the Concur Travel online booking tool or through the University's designated travel management company, World Travel, Inc. The University’s negotiated rates, car rental insurance coverage, and other benefits are only available by booking via one of these methods.
Basic reservations for air, hotel, and car can be made online using Concur. If you have more complex travel needs, such as a multi-leg trip or international travel, or would simply prefer assistance from a travel consultant, contact Princeton's dedicated travel agent team at World Travel.
For specific instructions, please visit the Booking Travel for Yourself section of this site.
Travel Enrollment
All University travel is subject to the requirements of the GS&S Travel Policy. Please review the travel policy and related materials prior to planning your travel. With the limited exception of faculty, researcher, and staff domestic travel, all University Travel must be enrolled in the 'Enroll My Trip' system. Questions regarding 'Enroll My Trip' should be directed to the Office of Global Safety & Security at [email protected]
Guests are not able to access the 'Enroll My Trip' system and should see additional instructions via this link.
Earn Frequent Flyer Miles
To earn frequent flyer miles and reward program points for your University travel, make sure you enter your frequent traveler program numbers in your Concur profile before building your travel itinerary.
Second Passport Eligibility
Travel Frequently? You May be Eligible for a Second U.S. Passport
Having a second passport is beneficial if you travel abroad frequently to countires requiring visas. It allows you to have one passport with you as you travel, while the second remains at home for visa processing for your next trip abroad. To obtain a second passport, you must meet certain requirements. Visit the CIBT/Visa Central website to learn more.